Social in Palazzo

Our social network differs from the others because it offers floors, apartments and rooms where everyone finds their own topics.

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Sale of DOC food products

Typical local products where quality, with flavor, make the the daily art of eating an unforgettable moment of the day

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Sale of new and used clothing

Qui l'abbiglaimento non è solo vestirsi ma è l'arte del vestirsi, dove capi ordinari fatti con stoffe tecnologiche che creano atmosfere nuove con sensazioni mai provate

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Multisectoral blog

A blogo full of new information, curiosities, ancient history, culture and many more other things but structured in a new way that the passion to read them will be interminable

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Data storage in cloud

Our systems, with great reliability and confidentiality, they allow our servers to book your photos and documents for eternal storage

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Collect multimedia data for statistics

If you want to know everything about a town in Italy, residents, births, deaths, age, demographic development and many other data we provide these useful information to researchers, scholars, students and economists

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Services and management of tourism

Where to go in summer or winter, what to visit, how to visit it, how to self organize a tour here you are able to visit in virtual graphis and then organize the real vision

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Streaming platform (film / series / ...)

If not wants to leave the house or organize a quiet evening at home our streaming platform can offer thousands of films where, how and when you want, you just need an Internet connection

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Telephony and Internet wifi

Fiber, ultafibra, WiFi, cable are some systems that we adopt for a stable, secure and fast internet with the possibility of also having a landline phone at home or office

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Cartography and positioning

When walking or moving by car we often rely on GPS or satellite navigators , we form the possibility of including technological devices that help to obtain more services than the usual position

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Event and fair organizations

If you want to promote your own product or provide services to others we are able to organize conferences, fairs, markets, events, ... both with our own structures and in the territorial promotion of the event.

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Investments with cryptocurrencies

The world goes on the currency is constantly fluctuating the exchanges but there is only one thing that Cypto Currency is taking hold, we can show you what and how to make profits in a new and evolving sector

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Web creation and management

Today everyone has a business card but a real and useful business card indelible and full of information about your company and the WEB site, we know how to do it and we can start using this site to the fullest.

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Big data

Any data that our company collects, following strict rules, we share it so that every citizen has at his disposal a range of offers where he can make a more thoughtful and economical choice of the objects that interest him

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