Social in Palazzo

Our social network differs from the others because it offers floors, apartments and rooms where everyone finds their own topics.

The expression social media or social network indicates the different platforms available online to share text content, images, audio and video. The most accredited definition today is that of Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein. The authors define social media as "a group of internet-based applications that constitute the ideological and technological foundations of web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content".

The main distinguishing feature of media social is the interactive mode of content creation and dissemination, as opposed to the unidirectionality of traditional mass media. In fact, social platforms allow you to create user-generated content and exchange it within online communities. This is why they represent the first channel that allowed people to switch to an active role, and not just one of simple use. Through social media, users can produce and share information, also using instant messaging services.

The message is no longer "from one to many", but "from many to many": more subjects involved in an interactive mode. A different model not only technological, but also cultural, which can certainly be considered more democratic, as it is accessible to all. From this point of view, social media represent a real revolution on a social and cultural level as well as in the field of web marketing. Finally, an economic factor should also be taken into consideration: social media are substantially free (we are not talking about sponsored content now) while traditional media require significant investments.

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Sale of DOC food products

Typical local products where quality, with flavor, make the the daily art of eating an unforgettable moment of the day

What is a typical product and why does it arouse the interest of consumers?

The answer to this question is crucial because a relevant segment revolves around typical products of the food economy and food and wine tourism.

The growing interest in typical products is intertwined with some trends of our time: in cultural terms, it responds to two opposite needs: that of protection, preservation of species and of the distinctive characteristics of food cultures) and that of exploration (it is an important means of getting in touch with and getting to know other cultures).

The attraction towards the typical must not, therefore, be interpreted as a tendency towards closure local against the globalization of markets, as well as as an instrument of comparison and opening towards the plurality of food cultures of global society.

The "typical product" also intercepts the needs for protection and reassurance that industrial products do not seem capable of to offer, both for the growing distance of food from its places of origin, and for the growing opacity of food, less close to natural forms and "adapted" to the different needs of speed and mobility of contemporary society.

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Sale of new and used clothing

Qui l'abbiglaimento non è solo vestirsi ma è l'arte del vestirsi, dove capi ordinari fatti con stoffe tecnologiche che creano atmosfere nuove con sensazioni mai provate

Abbigliamento indica sia gli indumenti veri e propri indossati da qualcuno, che in generale il modo di vestire che combina questi ultimi con altri elementi (trucco, capigliatura, accessori) definendo l’aspetto esteriore di una persona o di un insieme di persone.[1] Gli esseri umani sono i soli tra i mammiferi che indossano vestiario, a eccezione degli animali domestici, talvolta vestiti dai loro proprietari.

Ciascun articolo d’abbigliamento ha un significato culturale e sociale (marcatore sociale). In esso si condensano alcune funzioni tramandate o evolutesi nel tempo: quella pratica legata alla vestibilità; quella estetica legata al gusto dell’epoca e a canoni specifici delle diverse comunità; quella simbolica grazie alla quale l’abito può definire l’appartenenza ad una particolare comunità e nello specifico identificare lo status sociale, civile e religioso.

La storia dell’abbigliamento, ovvero degli indumenti e accessori che hanno vestito la persona umana nel corso dei secoli, può essere inquadrata sia da un punto di vista antropologico-etnografico, dal momento che documenta l’evoluzione del costume, sia da un punto di vista socio-economico come prodotto dell’industria tessile, legato allo sviluppo tecnologico, della moda e del consumo. Degli abiti si possono quindi studiare le materie prime impiegate, le tecniche di realizzazione, gli aspetti estetici e quelli simbolici, i fattori economici e le gerarchie sociali.

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Multisectoral blog

A blogo full of new information, curiosities, ancient history, culture and many more other things but structured in a new way that the passion to read them will be interminable

The blog is an online diary that allows you to create content in chronological order. The structure resumes that of a diary, each page has a date and an address of recognition (permalink). The substantial difference compared to a website is its continuous evolution. What is a blog, then? A new way of understanding publishing, a small revolution for the web.

Above all, the blog reaches a specific audience. This type of website was created precisely for this, to talk to a community. The publication date of the first blog corresponds to 23 December 1997, when Jorn Barger, an American trader passionate about hunting, started to publish the results of his hobby.

Then the blog it has, in its genesis, the seed of sharing. I write and publish to make known some details that I know and that can be useful. When they ask me what a blog is in your opinion, I answer like this: it is the essence of the social web, a place to share content and interact with the public to create new knowledge. And find concrete benefits.

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Data storage in cloud

Our systems, with great reliability and confidentiality, they allow our servers to book your photos and documents for eternal storage

The cloud (in Italian" cloud ") is usually a storage space on the Internet.

This is an imprecise definition because cloud technology can enable different types of services, but it is also true that in most cases, in the consumer sphere, we almost always talk about the possibility of storing files in a distant place.

The advantage of this operation is to be able to access your remote archive from anywhere in the world - just a connection - and to have the security that the contents will never be lost.

It should be emphasized that a physical storage space is think for example of a hard disk, it is still subject to deterioration over time.

Cloud storage is the a term that accurately identifies personal storage services.

They are often based on software or online services that synchronize their files - perhaps residing on a computer, smartphone or tablet - on a freely accessible remote archive 24 hours a day.

You can act manually if you want, but automatic synchronization is actually a very useful backup mode.

By backup we mean the possibility of having a copy of your files perpetually updated.

In short, if you were to break your computer, you could recover your entire personal archive from the Internet.

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Collect multimedia data for statistics

If you want to know everything about a town in Italy, residents, births, deaths, age, demographic development and many other data we provide these useful information to researchers, scholars, students and economists

Multimedia is a form of communication characterized by the coexistence and interaction of multiple languages ​​(written texts, images, sounds, animations) in the same medium or informative context. The term, composed of the Latin words multi- and media (plural of medium = "medium", here intended as information processing device), spread in the late years eighties and early nineties.

Over the years, the term "multimedia" has taken on many connotations. According to the scholar R. Maragliano, multimedia can be understood as the confluence of three media traditions and cultural: that of st ampa, characterized by objectivity, analyticity, systematicity and closure; that of audiovision, where subjectivity, globality, openness are present; that of interactivity, where the user has a co-authoring function. Psychological research has also contributed to broadening the meaning of the term, distinguishing two forms of multimedia: as a presentation format that uses multiple sensory channels; as a cognitive process that allows the acquisition of new knowledge.

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Services and management of tourism

Where to go in summer or winter, what to visit, how to visit it, how to self organize a tour here you are able to visit in virtual graphis and then organize the real vision

In Italy, the tourism sector directly generates about 5% of GDP and indirectly affects 13% of the same; it directly represents the 6% and indirectly 15% of total employment.

To find out more about the structure of the Italian economy, please refer to the specific article.

The grandeur of this economic sector is owes to the enormous Italian artistic and naturalistic heritage. In 2020 there are 4,265 museums and similar institutions open, public and private: 3,337 museums, 295 archaeological areas and 633 monuments or monumental complexes. The Italian municipalities that host at least one museum-like structure are almost 2,400.

There are also thousands of places of worship, medieval villages, palaces and residences of historical interest scattered throughout the national territory. Note the distribution, by 2022, of the countries with the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

As regards tourism within national borders, in 2019 only Spain and France had registered a greater number of appearances from Italy. By presences we mean the number of nights spent in the accommodation establishments. The latter, at the end of 2018, could be divided into 33,000 hotel establishments and 183,000 non-hotel establishments.

In 2019, tourism in Italy had set its historical record; had reached 436.74 million visitors (+ 1.8% compared to 2018) and 131.38 million tourists (+ 2.6% compared to 2018). Of the total presences, 220.7 million were attributable to foreign tourists; among the total arrivals, about 50% were attributable to foreigners.

Unfortunately, in 2020, there was a strong turnaround due to the Covid-19 pandemic (-57.6% on the number of arrivals and -52.3% on the number of nights spent). In 2020, preliminary estimates speak of 16.5 million foreign tourists (-74.6% on the previous year). Below is a historical series of arrivals and presences of tourists in Italy from 2008 to 2020.

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Streaming platform (film / series / ...)

If not wants to leave the house or organize a quiet evening at home our streaming platform can offer thousands of films where, how and when you want, you just need an Internet connection

Today more than ever we hear about streaming and we use it daily , perhaps without being aware of it, this modality.

At first it may seem far-fetched, but when you think about it, the systems for transmitting audio and video content via the internet belong to our everyday life.

Everyone happens to listen to music or watch a video while surfing the Internet or to search for reruns of a lost episode of their favorite show, without having to download anything on their computer device.

This article has the objective of explaining what a platform is, what it is for and to whom it can be useful orma streaming.

The English word stream refers to a continuous flow, in the case of streaming, of audio and video data that are sent and received over the IP network.

Being connected to a IP network (internet or company intranet) is therefore an indispensable condition to be able to send and / or receive information since it is the channel through which data travels.

In the case of access to video content distributed through internet, you will need a good connection to be able to use the service.

As a consumer of streaming content, a connection with a speed of 2 Mbps, 5Mbps should be considered sufficient if you want to watch videos in HD or 4K .

There are many data sharing systems, but the peculiarity of streaming is the possibility that it gives the user to enjoy the contents transmitted without having to download them completely on their computer or other device. Its structure makes it possible to ensure that all data is automatically reproduced when it is received, thus allowing immediate access to multimedia contents without taking up precious space on the final device.

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Telephony and Internet wifi

Fiber, ultafibra, WiFi, cable are some systems that we adopt for a stable, secure and fast internet with the possibility of also having a landline phone at home or office

Worldwide, the telecommunications sector is confirmed as one of the most dynamic areas. In a year, 2007, in which the world economy has experienced a slight slowdown in its growth rate (with a forecast of 4.9%), the trend of the sector is confirmed at the levels of the previous year (with an increase of 6.2%).

Growth was driven by innovative services (broadband, data transmission, ...), while revenues from traditional services (voice) continue to keep pace, especially in fixed telephony.

The competition, with the affirmation of new operators, including virtual ones (in the mobile sector), has helped to reduce the prices charged to consumers fin ali, eroding the margins of operators.

In this context, the strategies of telecommunications operators are being redefined.

On the one hand, the integration between fixed and mobile.

On the other hand, the convergence between telecommunications and television is affirmed through new organizational methods and forms.

Contrary to what seemed to emerge in previous years, telecommunications carriers are refocusing its financial efforts by investing resources in new generation networks and partially disengaging from shareholdings in media companies.

In other words, the convergence between the two sectors appears to be increasingly affirmed through the specialization of roles - carriers from a on the other hand, content providers on the other - and collaboration agreements between the two types of operators, and less and less by means of organizational forms characterized by the vertical integration of communication companies.

L ' analysis of the world evolution of the offer of telecommunications services proceeds below with a general picture of the trend of the main indicators, in terms of volume and value, and then moves on to a series of in-depth analyzes of a general nature (the activity of Merger & Acquisition and operator strategies) or specific in relation to the fixed telephony markets (broadband, new generation networks and VoIP) and mobile (3G, MVNO and infrastructure sharing).

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Cartography and positioning

When walking or moving by car we often rely on GPS or satellite navigators , we form the possibility of including technological devices that help to obtain more services than the usual position

Every company, sooner or later, has to deal with the competition. Understanding how your business behaves in the current competitive landscape is a way to gain a significant advantage over your competitors.
br> Companies often create competitive positioning maps to understand how they position themselves in their industry or niche.

In this guide, we will explore how they work competitive positioning maps, their advantages and how to start creating your own.

  • What is a competitive positioning map?
  • < li> Why is the competitive positioning map important?
  • When should you create a competitive positioning map?
  • Creating a competitive positioning map
  • Competitive positioning map: Adidas vs Competitor
  • Conclusions
< br>
What is a competitive positioning map?

A competitive positioning map is an analysis tool used to measure and compare your performance and that of your competitors in the market. It helps you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and can highlight the main differences between your business and others in your niche.

With a competitive positioning map you can compare all the metrics you want , such as social media reach, daily website visits, or lead times. The maps display competitor analysis data in an easy-to-understand format that allows you to quickly identify any advantages or gaps that may be present.

Carrying out a competitor analysis is a great place to start, as you will have need the resulting data for your competitive positioning map. You can use any of the competitive analysis tools available to you to gather as much information about your competitors as possible.

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Event and fair organizations

If you want to promote your own product or provide services to others we are able to organize conferences, fairs, markets, events, ... both with our own structures and in the territorial promotion of the event.

The word fair derives from the Latin fĕria which means public holiday, holiday.

Indeed, at the dawn of trading activity, fairs arose on the occasion of religious festivals where it was even possible to buy relics of saints.

In short, a business relationship between merchants and monks who found officialization as the first fair exhibition in the Middle Ages, when the cities of Frankfurt and Leipzig obtained an imperial license to celebrate an annual trade meeting.

Today the vision is completely overturned: the fair is, in fact, intended as an event in which products are exposed to the public, in order to improve them Sales and promotion.

It is as if a corner were created in which to take a break from the incessant daily activity, where merchants and companies, in a careful and detailed way, scale their business to enter in contact and communicating with the outside world.

History is important to make you understand how, during a fair, it is not essential to sell but to be known.

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Investments with cryptocurrencies

The world goes on the currency is constantly fluctuating the exchanges but there is only one thing that Cypto Currency is taking hold, we can show you what and how to make profits in a new and evolving sector

New technologies, favored by advances in cryptography - that is, the application of methods that serve to make a message understandable / intelligible only to people authorized to read it - and by the evolutions of the internet, they are causing a radical change in the global economy, with particular reference to the financial sector, in terms of the methods of exchange of goods, services and every financial activity.

One of the most significant applications of digital technology to the financial sector is the birth and spread of "cryptocurrencies" (or "virtual currencies"), the best known of which is bitcoin.

What is a cryptocurrency

The term consists of two words: crypto and currency.

It is therefore a 'hidden' currency, in the sense that it is visible / usable only by knowing a determined computer code (the so-called public and private 'access keys', in even more technical language).

Cryptocurrency does not exist in physical form (also for this reason it is defined as 'virtual'), but is generated and exchanged exclusively electronically . Therefore, it is not possible to find bitcoins in circulation in paper or metal format.

Some concepts traditionally used for legal tender currencies, such as that of 'wallet', have also been adapted to the context of virtual currencies , where we speak of 'digital / electronic wallet' (or digital / electronic wallet or simply e-wallet).

Cryptocurrency, where there is consensus among the participants in the related transaction, can be exchanged in peer mode -to-peer (i.e. between two devices directly, without the need for intermediaries) to purchase goods and services (as if it were legal tender in all respects).

Another classification in use provides for the division between 'closed', 'unidirectional' and 'bidirectional' virtual currency.

The difference between the three cases lies in the possibility or not of being able to exchange cryptocurrency for legal tender (or 'official' currency or ' fiat ', according to al three common denominations) and in the type of goods / services that can be purchased.

Bitcoin, for example, is a bi-directional virtual currency as it can be easily converted with the main official currencies and vice versa.

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Web creation and management

Today everyone has a business card but a real and useful business card indelible and full of information about your company and the WEB site, we know how to do it and we can start using this site to the fullest.

A website to be visible from a device such as a tablet or PC connected to the network , needs some essential services such as a domain name, a hosting service to upload all the files of our website, a database to collect the data in ordered tables.

All this data, all these files such as video photos etc. etc. must be sorted and schematized through the use of web programming languages, such as html, php, javascript. Our PC browser such as google chrome or safari, are software created to "navigate" on a website .

A website can perform multiple functions and provide various services based on the nec customer essence. A website can generally: - disseminate (publish or advertise) any information related to the activity of which the website speaks, corporate sites that promote their business or products, personal sites with autobiographical content or related to their interests ( blogs, personal diaries, company blogs), etc ..;
- collect contents in the form of ordered lists that can be filtered by choosing a specific category, or by querying a query. Practical examples are search engines, music and film sites, sports sites with championship data, etc ..:
- bringing people together in a virtual community (community) for social (social network) or recreational ( online games sites) or to discuss and discuss a specific topic (discussion forum);
- sell your products or a service offered by your company through web pages designed and validated for e-commerce.
< br> A website is a communication tool that can help small and medium-sized businesses emerge on the web. Today, any self-respecting business has a website, or is thinking that it must necessarily have a website to keep up with the times, this is because people today use the internet and the network on a daily basis to find information, choose products, find advice (feedback) on a venue, in order to improve and satisfy the user's choice.

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Big data

Any data that our company collects, following strict rules, we share it so that every citizen has at his disposal a range of offers where he can make a more thoughtful and economical choice of the objects that interest him

The expression Big Data (in Italian" big data ") refers to volumes of very high data.

Many of our daily actions generate data; similarly, when we use an application or website, we use significant amounts of data.

That amount is simply impossible to treat for a person or for a traditional analysis tool.

To automate the collection and processing of this data, private companies, public administrations, social networks, mobile applications, research institutes and other organizations carry out Big Data projects.

New tools have therefore appeared entities that allow the archiving and distributed management of this data: Hadoop, Apache Spark, Kafka, Flink, MongoDB, etc.

The purpose of Big Data is to make the most of data which, if managed individually , have no value.

The appearance of these tools and uses has given rise to new professions: data analysts, data engineers, data scientists, consultants specialized in Big Data, etc.

The role of these professional figures is to accompany companies at the operational level.

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